Welcome to the

Brantley County

Development Authority

COVID-19 Information

Within our Community

here are the economic resources – currently

CHMURA, Economic Development & COVID-19

The forecast on the national economy and give specific advice to economic development professionals. We want to keep you informed so your communities can bounce back.

CHMURA is committed to playing its role in flattening the curve, making sure the economic downturn is as mild as possible and helping its partners and the broader society benefit from the inevitable recovery.


In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is reaching out to communities with active Revolving Loan Funds (RLF) capitalized with either an Employment Incentive program (EIP) or Redevelopment Fund grants.

The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting

May 18, 2020, 06:00 PM Eastern Time US. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

DCA – Jennifer Fordham
DCA has extended the CDBG application deadline from April 1 to May 1 (COB).  All packages must be received (not just post-dated) by COB 5/1. No “hand-delivered” packets will be allowed.
Tier status – Notice of Intent deadline is 3/31
Extension of audits – 90 days from 3/1
DDRLF and SSBCI (revolving loans) loan payments will be “interest-only” for three months

GDEcD – Michele Shaw
Regional Reps are Identifying PPE and Critical needs companies; email was sent yesterday from regional reps. Info sent to Gov’s office and GEMA for action.
If you have a business who wishes to help/convert to supply needs contact Regional Rep.
Regional Reps are collecting and compiling a list of businesses that wish to be classified as essential or exempt.
Contact for Essential business form.
Industries are not currently under any cease operations orders.
Manufacturers in our region are still operating consistently. 

DOL – Emily Brinson
All Career Centers are closed to the public until further notice. Individuals are NOT allowed to come into the office and apply in-person
Employers should file claims for layoffs. Even if they aren’t sure they qualify.
Still filling jobs and recruiting for other industries.

SBDC – Josh Walton
www.georgiasbdc.org [georgiasbdc.org].  The home page has been altered to lead with the federal Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. It gives a brief outline of the program and a link straight into the application process. Their teams are limiting office contact and mainly assisting through virtual presence.
Have all the tools needed to carry out functions
Direct HUMAN Resource questions to DOL

Explore Georgia – Tourism – Cheryl Hargrove
Obviously taking a big hit; Explore Georgia is tracking all cancellations and rescheduling of conferences and events.
If an Event or Festival is canceled, our online Event Impact Calculator is available to determine the negative impact. Reach out to Cheryl for assistance on how to access the form ([email protected])
Explore Georgia also has an abundance of resources on how destinations and companies can navigate alternatives to travel during this crisis – including tips for virtual tours, online programs for kids and other engagement strategies – now available on our Tourism Industry Portal (industry.exploregeorgia.org) and via PeachByte newsletter.
Have any “Feel good” stories about how tourism is helping the community or residents during these uncertain times? Please send them to Cheryl for us to share on social media.

Georgia Ports Authority – Stacy Watson
Currently, NO Saturday Gates open
Traffic Down 35 – 40 %, expect to increase to normal in 3 – 4 weeks

Some Additional “Best Practices
Work with Local Government to ensure press releases are not ambiguous in wording regarding local restrictions on who can report to work or insight fear of workers.

Several are staggering workforce, to limit no more than a third of WF at once
Staggering lunches and breaks to limit employees in one location
Some have allowed childcare in break rooms (*caution on regulations and who is supervising*)
Using digital Thermometers on employees before they enter the workplace. If anyone knows where to find more, please share.
QUESTION for STATE; What does shelter in place mean for smaller businesses? We need clear guidelines.
ADVICE to Businesses – Track losses in production or revenue daily/weekly. Funding may be tied to these records. Easier to track now rather than later. (ex. Employees who are out to tend children without school, etc.)
DA executive trying to connect the companies who need employees with job seekers

Chamber is going out and videoing various business segments and airing on social media sources
Chamber is helping small business with employment law (businesses too small to have an HR manager)
Establishing a new FB page for BOTH members and non-members for businesses to post hours of operation and other pertinent information
Chamber CEO does daily video to members and community – “Voice of Encouragement”
Chamber executive trying to connect the companies who need employees with job seekers

georgia small business recovery

We’re committed to helping small businesses of Georgia. The University of Georgia Small Business Development Center is teaming up with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and the Georgia Department of Economic Development to provide the small businesses of Georgia with vital information and assistance during this time of need. In addition to the details below, we will be hosting 12 regional webinars to answer your questions and provide support.

USDA Rural Development

WASHINGTON, March 27, 2020
– USDA Rural Development has launched a COVID-19 resource page to keep our customers, partners, and stakeholders continuously updated on actions taken by the Agency to help rural residents, businesses, and communities impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. For information on Rural Development loan payment assistance, application deadline extensions, and more, read the details.


Our local community centered on Ware County, info, maps & links

Gov. Kemp Calls on Georgia Businesses to Aid with Critical Health Care Needs

Atlanta, March 24, 2020 –Governor Brian P. Kemp today called on all Georgia businesses who are able to help the state provide, produce, distribute, or store critical health care items needed to fight the spread of COVID-19.


Title-By-Title Summary
• DIVISION D – Emergency Paid Leave Act of 2020
• DIVISION F – Paid Sick Days for Public Health Emergencies and Personal and Family Care Act
(above are two feature points of the act, the website lists all advantages)


GEORGIA Declaration 16347 (Disaster GA-00116)
• Incident: CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)
• Occurring: January 31, 2020 & continuing
All counties within the State of Georgia

get in touch

9 + 5 =

Brantley County

Development Authority

10345 North Main Street
P.O. Box 87
Nahunta, GA 31553

e: [email protected]